Peter Block, the Grand Inquisitor, and Leadership Leadership, freedom, and the burden of responsibility

Managers Are Employees Too ** The Fable of the Bees Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Leadership is often seen as providing guidance and security. However, authentic leadership may lie in confronting people with their own freedom, even when they resist it. Understanding this tension can help us rethink power, responsibility, and the choices … Continue reading Peter Block, the Grand Inquisitor, and Leadership Leadership, freedom, and the burden of responsibility

The Fable of the Bees Or, Private Vices, Public Benefits

Peter Block, the Grand Inquisitor, and Leadership Critical Thinking Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Societies often assume that virtue leads to prosperity, but history suggests a more complex reality. Efforts to eliminate self-interest can unintentionally suppress growth and innovation. Recognizing the role of competition, ambition, and even conflict in progress can lead to … Continue reading The Fable of the Bees Or, Private Vices, Public Benefits

Writing with AI Isn’t Necessarily Cheating Why it’s a legitimate tool for professionals and creators

Critical Thinking The Vector of Great Conversations Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter AI tools are becoming common in writing, raising questions about their role and ethics. Many worry that using AI might undermine creativity or authenticity. In reality, AI can enhance clarity, improve efficiency, and help us focus on crafting ideas that resonate, … Continue reading Writing with AI Isn’t Necessarily Cheating Why it’s a legitimate tool for professionals and creators

The Vector of Great Conversations A parallel between the vector theory of change and conversational leadership

Writing with AI Isn’t Necessarily Cheating Protected: My Writing Process ## Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Conversations shape how we understand and adapt to change. When dialogue is restricted by rigid goals or constrained by fixed plans and schedules, creativity, and insight are often lost. By embracing a flexible, direction-focused approach and allowing … Continue reading The Vector of Great Conversations A parallel between the vector theory of change and conversational leadership

Nurturing a Collaborative Culture Through Knowledge Cafés Using Knowledge Cafés to bridge silos and encourage open dialogue

Protected: My Writing Process ## Diplomacy ## Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Effective knowledge sharing is crucial for innovation and success in today’s world. However, many organizations struggle to nurture a culture of collaboration. Implementing Knowledge Cafés offers a practical pathway to enhance knowledge sharing and cultivate a collaborative environment. Understanding Knowledge Cafés … Continue reading Nurturing a Collaborative Culture Through Knowledge Cafés Using Knowledge Cafés to bridge silos and encourage open dialogue

Crafting Writing That Drives Change Larry McEnerney's insights on good writing

Diplomacy ## Write to Think ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Conventional writing wisdom is often misguided. Larry McEnerney, the retired director of the University of Chicago’s Writing Program, challenges outdated conceptions of good writing that can stifle bloggers and academic writers alike. His unconventional insights provide the key to engaging readers, making … Continue reading Crafting Writing That Drives Change Larry McEnerney’s insights on good writing

Write to Think **

Crafting Writing That Drives Change Cognitive Surplus Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The advent of AI writing assistants like ChatGPT has led some to question whether writing by hand is still a critical skill. After all, why labor over crafting an essay when an AI tool can instantly generate one for you? However, … Continue reading Write to Think **

Multipolar Traps or Moloch Traps Acting against our collective interests

Pay It Forward ** Avoiding Modern-day Colonialism Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter In a complex world facing many challenges, multipolar traps emerge when self-interests conflict with collective well-being, leading to detrimental outcomes. To break free, we need to prioritize collaboration, long-term thinking, and shared goals, working across sectors and nations. Introduction In our … Continue reading Multipolar Traps or Moloch Traps Acting against our collective interests

Avoiding Modern-day Colonialism Colonialism: the dominance, control, and exploitation by one group over another

Multipolar Traps or Moloch Traps Relationships ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Colonialism has historically referred to the domination and control of one group or nation over another. However, the language of colonialism has recently been used to describe other forms of control and dominance. Introduction The term “colonialism” and related words, such … Continue reading Avoiding Modern-day Colonialism Colonialism: the dominance, control, and exploitation by one group over another

Relationships ** The way in which two or more people are connected

Avoiding Modern-day Colonialism Spirituality Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Edgar and Peter Schein’s four levels of relationship: Level Minus 1: Total impersonal domination and coercion. Level 1: Transactional role and rule-based supervision, service, and all forms of helping relationships. Level 2: Personal cooperative, trusting relationships as in friendships and in effective teams. Level … Continue reading Relationships ** The way in which two or more people are connected

Spirituality A deep appreciation, respect, and love for the universe, the world, all life, and humanity

Relationships ** Circles of Engagement ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Spirituality often lacks a clear, universally accepted definition, leading to confusion and misconceptions. Many associate it with religion, but spirituality can also exist outside religious frameworks. By considering secular definitions, we can gain a broader understanding of spirituality that emphasizes personal growth, … Continue reading Spirituality A deep appreciation, respect, and love for the universe, the world, all life, and humanity

Circles of Engagement ** Aligning efforts with impact

Spirituality Signal-to-noise Ratio Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Life presents numerous challenges and opportunities. It is crucial to identify areas under our control versus those beyond our influence. The “Circles of Engagement” model guides us in directing efforts where they can create meaningful change. Circle of Concern and a Circle of Influence Stephen … Continue reading Circles of Engagement ** Aligning efforts with impact

Signal-to-noise Ratio The ratio of useful or true information to false or irrelevant data

Circles of Engagement ** What Would Make a Better World? Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The term “signal-to-noise ratio” is a useful metaphor when discussing the pollution of the information ecosystem with misinformation, disinformation, or situations where much of the information available is irrelevant. A signal-to-noise ratio is a measure most frequently used … Continue reading Signal-to-noise Ratio The ratio of useful or true information to false or irrelevant data

Personal Power ** We hold more potential today than ever to transform the world

Predicting the Future Is a Fools’ Errand ** Global Consciousness Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter We hold more potential today than ever to transform the world. Since the turn of the millennium, we have gained unprecedented power as individuals. Education We are better educated than ever before. Knowledge Since the advent of the … Continue reading Personal Power ** We hold more potential today than ever to transform the world

Global Consciousness The capacity and disposition to understand and act upon global issues

Personal Power ** The Power of Curiosity ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter What is global consciousness? Before answering that question, we need to look at the terms consciousness, collective consciousness, and higher consciousness as they are poorly understood. Introduction The terms consciousness, collective consciousness, higher consciousness, and global consciousness are poorly understood … Continue reading Global Consciousness The capacity and disposition to understand and act upon global issues

The Power of Curiosity ** Driving human progress

Global Consciousness Influential Power ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Curiosity fuels human progress. Today’s complex world can dampen our natural inquisitiveness. Encouraging questions help us understand change, find new ideas, and keep learning.  Introduction Curiosity, the innate desire to seek knowledge and understanding, has been a fundamental force behind humanity’s development throughout … Continue reading The Power of Curiosity ** Driving human progress

Measures, Targets, Rewards and Punishments When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure

Influential Power ** Consensus ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Measures Before you measure anything, you should carefully determine your objectives. What are you trying to achieve, and what is the purpose of making the measurements? Moreover, you should ask, are measurements the best way of achieving your goals? Why Measure? There are … Continue reading Measures, Targets, Rewards and Punishments When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure

Consensus ** The trouble with consenus

Measures, Targets, Rewards and Punishments Zoom Virtual Knowledge Cafés ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Resources Forbes: Consensus – Team Building’s Silent Killer Blog Post: The trouble with the consensus model Dave Snowden: On navigating conflict [Status: stub] POST NAVIGATION Measures, Targets, Rewards and Punishments Zoom Virtual Knowledge Cafés ** Close Pop-up all … Continue reading Consensus ** The trouble with consenus

Zoom Virtual Knowledge Cafés **

Consensus ** Changing People ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The Knowledge Café A Knowledge Café gathers 12 to 30 people together to have a conversation. It typically consists of a short presentation on a topic of importance to the participants followed by three rounds of conversation in groups of three or four, … Continue reading Zoom Virtual Knowledge Cafés **

Changing People ** The challenge of trying to change people

Zoom Virtual Knowledge Cafés ** Reversing Cause and Effect Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Change is a constant aspect of our lives, gradually shaping our identities. However, we face difficulties when attempting to change others’ behaviors. Direct attempts to control or coerce usually result in resistance and unintended consequences. Embracing a conversational approach … Continue reading Changing People ** The challenge of trying to change people

Learning **

Be Open and Transparent ** When It Comes to Lectures, Appearances Can Be Deceiving ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Learning is not about teaching or training. Personally I’m always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught. Credit: Winston Churchill Education is an admirable thing. But it is well … Continue reading Learning **

When It Comes to Lectures, Appearances Can Be Deceiving ** Eric Mazur thought he was a good teacher until he discovered his students were just memorizing information

Learning ** The Mind Is a Fire to Be Kindled Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Imagine you receive the same lecture twice: once from a charismatic lecturer speaking fluently without notes and maintaining eye contact; and again from a hesitant speaker, slumped over her notes and stumbling over her words. Which is better? … Continue reading When It Comes to Lectures, Appearances Can Be Deceiving ** Eric Mazur thought he was a good teacher until he discovered his students were just memorizing information

Learn to Listen and to Tell the Truth Do we listen, to confirm what we already think or do we listen in order to reply?

The Mind Is a Fire to Be Kindled The Fourth Industrial Revolution Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Do we listen, to confirm what we already think or do we listen in order to reply? Or do we listen to discover something new? Do we enter into a conversation with a willingness to learn … Continue reading Learn to Listen and to Tell the Truth Do we listen, to confirm what we already think or do we listen in order to reply?

The Fourth Industrial Revolution A new era of connectedness and complexity

Learn to Listen and to Tell the Truth Evidence for a Collective Intelligence Factor in the Performance of Human Groups ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The complexity of the world is accelerating as we enter the fourth industrial revolution (4IR), in which disruptive technologies and trends such as the Internet of Things … Continue reading The Fourth Industrial Revolution A new era of connectedness and complexity

Evidence for a Collective Intelligence Factor in the Performance of Human Groups **

The Fourth Industrial Revolution How to Design Powerful Questions Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Evidence for a Collective Intelligence Factor in the Performance of Human Groups By Anita Williams Woolley, Christopher F. Chabris, Alexander Pentland, Nada Hashmi, Thomas W. Malone • In two studies, working in groups of two to five, the authors … Continue reading Evidence for a Collective Intelligence Factor in the Performance of Human Groups **

How to Design Powerful Questions Questions open the door to dialogue and discovery

Evidence for a Collective Intelligence Factor in the Performance of Human Groups ** The Mehrabian Myth Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Questions shape our understanding and actions. The right questions spark curiosity, challenge assumptions, and lead to meaningful conversations. Designing powerful questions requires clarity, openness, and relevance. In a small group conversation, what … Continue reading How to Design Powerful Questions Questions open the door to dialogue and discovery

The Mehrabian Myth It is not true that 93% of our communication is nonverbal

How to Design Powerful Questions Positive Deviance in Action Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Albert Mehrabian never claimed the false assertion that 93% of our communication is nonverbal. Non-verbal signals play a role in communication, but they are not more important than words. The popular claim that “93% of communication is nonverbal” is … Continue reading The Mehrabian Myth It is not true that 93% of our communication is nonverbal

Positive Deviance in Action How everyday outliers spark lasting community change

The Mehrabian Myth The New Science of Building Great Teams ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Deep-rooted social and health challenges often seem insurmountable in communities worldwide. Positive Deviance (PD), a strategy born from a nutrition project in Vietnam, illuminates the power of outlier practices to combat such issues. Valuing local wisdom and … Continue reading Positive Deviance in Action How everyday outliers spark lasting community change

The New Science of Building Great Teams ** 35% of variation in team performance is accounted for by the amount of face-to-face communication

Positive Deviance in Action Hawthorne Effect Myth Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter The New Science of Building Great Teams By Alexander Pentland April 2012 Harvard Business Review • Characteristics of successful teams 1. Everyone talks & listens in equal measure 2. Face one another, energetic conversations & gestures 3. Connect directly with one … Continue reading The New Science of Building Great Teams ** 35% of variation in team performance is accounted for by the amount of face-to-face communication

Is Noise Always Bad? ** Exploring the Effects of Ambient Noise on Creative Cognition

Hawthorne Effect Myth Change ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Whenever I wish to write something creative or reflect on an issue or problem, I have always found that a Café is one of the best environments. … This paper examines how ambient noise, an important environmental variable, can affect creativity. Results from … Continue reading Is Noise Always Bad? ** Exploring the Effects of Ambient Noise on Creative Cognition

Change **

Is Noise Always Bad? ** Conversational Post-project Reviews ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter [Status: stub] POST NAVIGATION Is Noise Always Bad? ** Conversational Post-project Reviews ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter CHAPTER NAVIGATION Neuroscience of Conversation The Challenge of Complexity Close Pop-up all Chapters SEARCHGoogle Web Search Photo Credits: Midjourney (Public … Continue reading Change **

Entrenched Thinking The lack of desire or ability to accept new ideas

Everything Is Fragmented ** Entrained Thinking Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Entrenched thinking is the lack of desire or ability to accept new ideas — to venture outside the entrenchments Gurteen Knowledge Café: Entrenched and entrained thinking Posts that link to this post Gurteen Knowledge Café: Entrenched and Entrained Thinking A blog post by … Continue reading Entrenched Thinking The lack of desire or ability to accept new ideas

Entrained Thinking Blinded to new ways of thinking by perspectives acquired through past experience

Entrenched Thinking Managers Are Employees Too ** Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Entrained thinking is a conditioned response that occurs when people are blinded to new ways of thinking by the perspectives they acquired through past experience, training, and success. Credit: Dave Snowden & Mary Boone, A Leader’s Framework for Decision Making, Harvard … Continue reading Entrained Thinking Blinded to new ways of thinking by perspectives acquired through past experience

Managers Are Employees Too ** They can be hired, fired and appraised just like everyone else

Entrained Thinking Peter Block, the Grand Inquisitor, and Leadership Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter There is a problem when talking about organizational life: our use of language. Managers are called managers, and their so-called subordinates — the people who report to them — are called employees. As an aside, I’m not too fond … Continue reading Managers Are Employees Too ** They can be hired, fired and appraised just like everyone else