World Values Day is an annual campaign to increase the awareness and practice of values around the world. It provides an opportunity to think about our most deeply held values and explore and act on them with others.
For the last five years, in partnership with Charles Fowler, I have held a free Knowledge Café as part of the event, so this year’s Café will be the sixth since our first one in 2016. It is being held online on Zoom on 21st October 2021, 17:00 – 19:00 London time.
This year the theme of the Café is Reconnecting: Shifting from “Values” to “Valuing” Can this make the BIG difference needed?
The speaker is a good friend and mentor of mine, Charles Savage. Charles says this about himself:
Charles has been inflicted by a profound curiosity virus and awareness of how little is really known of the dynamics of life.
Come along. I think this Café will be a humdinger.
You will find more information and can register here.
Knowledge Letter: Issue: 256 (Subscribe)
Tags: values (34)
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Photo Credits: Midjourney (Public Domain)