I am a big fan of Peter Block, and you will find many references to him in my blook.
Peter has an uncanny ability to see through things to question many of our cherished beliefs. This article on trust — Trust in Whom? particularly resonates with me. Here is the gist of it:
Trust is more an attitude about myself, an estimate of my own capacities.
For example, if I do not trust management, a more accurate statement is that I am not happy with the way I act or I feel when I am around management.
It is my response to their power that bothers me. My caution. My speaking in generalities.
My quickness to back down in the face of an indifferent or controlling act on their part.
My short-fused cynicism may be more the source of my distrust, than anything they do.
Credit: Peter Block
Knowledge Letter: Issue: 265 (Subscribe)
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