I recently discovered Munk Debates and the Munk Debate website. They have some excellent debates, and I love their mission.
Our society is dangerously polarised.
We don’t listen to each other.
Too many of us are separating into ideological tribes.
This has to stop.
The future of our democracy depends on it.
This is what the Munk Debates is all about.
Opening minds to different points of view.
Challenging groupthink.
Debating controversial issues with rigour and honesty.
Interestingly, they also have Munk Dialogues though I find them a little disappointing as they are not dialogues (conversations between equals) but soft interviews – in other words, the interviewer is overly courteous and never challenges the interviewee’s responses.
Well worth a look if you have the time, as you can be drawn into both the debates and the dialogues.
Knowledge Letter: Issue: 268 (Subscribe)
Tags: debate (23) | democracy (36) | dialogue (67) | global society (21) | groupthink (9) | honesty (6) | polarization (13) | tribes (10)
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Photo Credits: Midjourney (Public Domain)