Gurteen Knowledge Blog August 6, 2021, 16:12
I have 25 registrations for my next Knowledge Café workshop on 10th August 2021, and it is now closed for bookings.
I am especially looking forward to this workshop as I have participants from 14 countries: Australia, Canada, China, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore., South Africa, New Zealand, UK, and the USA. The ability to converse across cultures is one of the great strengths of Zoom.
If you could not make this one or the time of day was bad for you, I have another coming up on 21st September 2021 that should work well for EMEA/Americas time zones.
You can find more information and register here.
Knowledge Letter: Issue: 254 (Subscribe)
Tags: knowledge cafe (107) | Zoom (11)
RSS: Blog Feed
Photo Credits: Midjourney (Public Domain)