I will be running my Knowledge Café workshop where I teach how to design and host Gurteen Knowledge Cafés on 10th August 2021 for EMEA/Asia/Pacific time zones and again on 21st September 2021 for EMEA/Americas time zones.
If you are not familiar with the method, my Knowledge Café format is a simple way to bring a small group of people together to have a lightly structured conversation on a topic of mutual interest.
It can be adapted for various purposes, and you do not need to be a professional facilitator to design and host one. You can find many stories of how the Knowledge Café can be used in my blook.
Although I designed the Café initially for face-to-face gatherings, it works exceptionally well on Zoom or Microsoft teams or any other virtual meeting platform with a breakout room capability.
You can find more information and register here.
Knowledge Letter: Issue: 253 (Subscribe)
Tags: knowledge cafe (107) | Zoom (11)
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Photo Credits: Midjourney (Public Domain)