Too often, we see ourselves as passive recipients of the world rather than active shapers. We view problems as created by others and wait for leaders or institutions to solve them. This traps us in a vicious cycle of reaction and entitlement.
We need to reclaim a sense of personal agency and capacity to build a better world. The future rests on recognizing our power as citizens to drive change.
This starts with taking responsibility for the issues we care about instead of blaming others. It means convening conversations that tap into people’s gifts rather than just problems. It requires inviting others into co-creation rather than waiting for alignment.
Most fundamentally, we need to rethink ourselves as creators of the world we want rather than passive responders. Our communities emerge from the conversations and commitments we build together.
Real change becomes possible when we stop seeing ourselves as acted upon and instead act from a place of collective power and possibility.
The future is ours to shape if we recognize and mobilize our power.
Credit: Influenced by the work of Peter Block.
Knowledge Letter: Issue: 279 (Subscribe)
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Photo Credits: Midjourney (Public Domain)