Blook Post: We Are Stardust @DavidGurteen
CHAPTER: Our Evolutionary Journey

We Are Stardust We are literally part of the universe, not separate from it

4 thoughts on “We Are Stardust We are literally part of the universe, not separate from it

  1. Stardust.
    Simone de Beauvoir: we are born human and made into women!
    Same goes for Jew, Humanist, Rohinga, Jezidie, Dutchman, …. you name it.
    Let’s stop claiming anything based on what we’ve been made into.

    1. Correct. Plus, that construct, however appealing, headed by a strong man, guided by dis/utopia, ritual, mutilation of any sort or afterlife, or anything, should be an argument to violating humans personal safety / space / rights.

      1. I assume you meant this:

        Correct. Plus, that construct, however appealing, headed by a strong man, guided by dis/utopia, ritual, mutilation of any sort or afterlife, or anything, should NOT be an argument to violating humans personal safety / space / rights.

        If so, I would totally agree.

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