I recently gave a conversational talk with Obhi Chatterjee (Head of Learning Technologies at the European Commission) and Julie Guégan (author and expert in collaboration and systems innovation) as part of the Together-Ensemble workshop with the staff of the European Institutions.
The session was wide-ranging, and we talked about the Knowledge Café, listening and curiosity, impossible conversations, the need for a conversation covenant, and even a conversation referee. Also, the difference between having respect and showing respect, and whether it would be possible to have a conversation with Donald Trump or Hitler. We also talked about polarization and a little about filter bubbles, epistemic bubbles, and echo chambers.
You can view the video recording here. I have taken the time to index it so you can easily jump to the sections of interest to you.
Together – Ensemble is a series of online Zoom sessions presented by Julie Guégan and Obhi Chatterjee for EU staff to reflect on topical issues. The aim is to open the discussion to the common problems we all face everywhere. Possible topics include life and society, work and economics, science and health, or the world in general.
Dream big for Europe is a strand of Together – Ensemble sessions. Individuals (authors, politicians, artists, young leaders, etc.) worldwide are invited to challenge EU staff to be even more ambitious for the European project.
Knowledge Letter: Issue: 249 (Subscribe)
Tags: conversational leadership (46) | David Gurteen (74) | European Commission (11) | Julie Guégan (2) | Obhi Chatterjee (4)
RSS: Blog Feed
Photo Credits: Midjourney (Public Domain)
Many thanks David for your contribution. Thanks to it and the ideas which followed, we have produced our 29th report for our #eu leaders. As part of these ideas, the need to have critical conversations on the topics of climate change with those suffering from the planetary emergency, systemic innovation… increase the listening, the need to encourage a critical mindset and much more: