Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive. Credit: Dalai Lama Posts where this quotation is embedded Caring We naturally take responsibility for the people and the things that we care about Collective Sense-making The Knowledge Café is a powerful collective sense-making tool Conversational Leadership Mindset Developing a Conversational Leadership mindset Empathy Understanding and share … Continue reading Love and Compassion Are Necessities, Not Luxuries Dalai Lama
The power to create a future requires us to choose to be accountable. To be accountable, among other things, means you act as an owner and part creator of whatever it is that you wish to improve. In the absence of this, you are in the position of effect, not cause … a powerless stance. To be accountable … Continue reading Choose to Be Accountable Peter Block
We all need care. Without it, children wouldn’t make it to adulthood, patients wouldn’t recover, and communities wouldn’t grow or thrive. And “care” doesn’t just extend to people, either: if we fail to take care of our possessions, our buildings, and our infrastructure, then our landfills will overflow and our cities will crumble. If we … Continue reading We All Need Care Lynn Berger
We’re social creatures, we depend on each other, which is why we need a sense of concern for others’ well-being. Compassion is what’s important and you don’t have to be religious to practise it. Practising compassion here and now—living a meaningful life—is what is most important. Credit: Dalai Lama Posts where this quotation is embedded Caring … Continue reading We’re Social Creatures Dalai Lama
Gurteen Knowledge Blog March 7, 2022, 17:02We all care about our own well-being and the well-being of our family. It’s our prime purpose to look after ourselves and our loved ones. Most of us live our whole lives thinking mainly about ourselves, our careers, and our families. We may give to charity, do a little in … Continue reading We Have Two Purposes in Life A personal one and a societal one
You will find the transcript of the last minute or so of Ronald Heifetz‘s talk below. The highlighting is mine and draws attention to what I consider to be the key points. Ronald’s views on leadership as a practice fit perfectly with the concept of Conversational Leadership. We are all capable of practicing conversational leadership. Transcript Distinguishing leadership … Continue reading Leadership Is a Practice Not a Position of Authority Ronald Heifetz (2019)
Spirituality means a deep appreciation, respect, and love for the universe, the world, all life, and humanity — a sense of connectedness, awe, wonder, and curiosity — a deep understanding of being human and alive. Credit: David Gurteen Posts where this quotation is embedded Caring We naturally take responsibility for the people and the things that … Continue reading The Meaning of Spirituality David Gurteen
Care More. It’s only two words, but it’s hard to think of a better mantra for the organization that is smart enough to understand the core underpinning of their business, as well as one in search of a reason for being. No need to get all tied up in subcycles of this leads to this … Continue reading Care More Seth Godin
The Speed of Trust by Stephen M. R. Covey explores the role of trust in business, organizations, and personal relationships. The main concept of the book is that trust is the basis of successful relationships, leadership, business, and society as a whole. Covey argues that trust can provide organizations and individuals with immense competitive advantages, … Continue reading The SPEED of Trust: the One Thing That Changes Everything By Stephen M. R. Covey (2006)
Gurteen Knowledge Blog November 15, 2023, 09:21In a recent blook post, I explore how we are connected to the universe. Our very bodies are made of stardust created in ancient stars. We rely on Earth’s ecosystems for our survival. No firm boundaries separate us from the rest of existence. We’re small parts of the big story … Continue reading We Are All Stardust Our intimate connection with the universe
One person always loves more. That’s what makes it so difficult. And the one who loves more is vulnerable. Credit: Max in the film Nowhere in Africa Source: Nowhere in AfricaPosts where this quotation is embedded Caring We naturally take responsibility for the people and the things that we care about Collective Sense-making The Knowledge Café is … Continue reading One Person Always Loves More Max in the film Nowhere in Africa (2001)
Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates: At the first gate, ask yourself “Is it true?” At the second gate ask, “Is it necessary?” At the third gate ask, “Is it kind?” Credit: Rumi Posts where this quotation is embedded Caring We naturally take responsibility for the people and the things that we … Continue reading Before You Speak, Let Your Words Pass Through Three Gates A Sufi saying
Someone once told me that the power in all relationships lies with whoever cares less, and he was right. But power isn’t happiness, and I think that maybe happiness comes from caring more about people rather than less … Credit: Connor Mead in the film Ghosts of Girlfriends Past Source: Ghosts of Girlfriends PastPosts where … Continue reading The Power in All Relationships Lies with Whoever Cares Less Connor Mead in the film Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (2009)
Curiosity evokes ‘concern’; it evokes the care one takes for what exists and could exist; a readiness to find strange and singular what surrounds us; a certain relentlessness to break up our familiarities and to regard otherwise the same things; a fervor to grasp what is happening and what passes; a casualness in regard to … Continue reading Curiosity Evokes Concern Michel Foucault
Gurteen Knowledge Blog January 28, 2024, 20:53I watched the film “Nowhere in Africa” on a plane trip some years ago and jotted down this quote from the movie. In the film, Max, Jettel’s father-in-law, says this to her about his son. It resonated with something I have long felt — that in a relationship, the one … Continue reading The One Who Loves More Is vulnerable
Gurteen Knowledge Blog June 19, 2021, 21:05I have long thought that to help cure many of the ills in the world that all we needed to do was “to care more.” To care more about each other and to care more about our planet. To say that “love is the answer” seemed a little too twee, … Continue reading Is Love the Answer? It may seem corny, but love is the answer
Very great change starts from very small conversations, held among people who care. Credit: Meg Wheatley Comment: Conversational Leadership reminds us that meaningful change doesn’t start with declarations but with thoughtful conversations among those who care.Posts where this quotation is embedded Caring We naturally take responsibility for the people and the things that we care about Collective … Continue reading Change Starts From Small Conversations Meg Wheatley
Whether you want to change the political or economic system, save the whales, stop global warming, reform education, spark innovation or anything else, the answer is in how meaning, and understanding of what needs to be done, emerges from conversation in community with people you love, people who care. Credit: Dave Pollard Posts where this … Continue reading What Needs to Be Done, Emerges From Conversation Dave Pollard
We’re All Different ** Caring Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter [Status: stub] POST NAVIGATION We’re All Different ** Caring Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter CHAPTER NAVIGATION Discourse and Narrative The Knowledge Café Close Pop-up all Chapters Tags: caring (28) | community (47) SEARCHGoogle Web Search This page is part of a … Continue reading Introduction: Community ** Members of a community care about each other
Introduction: Community ** What Makes a Real Community? Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Without care, society would be impossible. Caring is at the root of creating a better world. If we care, we take responsibility. If we wish to see a better world emerge, we need to care. Caring We naturally take responsibility … Continue reading Caring We naturally take responsibility for the people and the things that we care about
Caring What Is Communityship? Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter A community is more than just a group of people with shared interests. Many networks and organizations call themselves communities, but they often lack the deeper connections that make a real community. True communities grow over time through meaningful relationships, shared purpose, and mutual … Continue reading What Makes a Real Community? Members of a community care about each other
What Are Mindsets? What Are Morals? Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Values are the basis of personal and collective judgments about what is valuable in life. They influence our decision-making on all sorts of issues, primarily social, environmental, and political ones. Values Acquiring Values Values are established as a result of life experiences … Continue reading Values Values are beliefs we hold that something is good or desirable
Introduction: Principles of Conversational Leadership II. Embrace Complexity Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Take responsibility: In life, we can choose to take responsibility in several ways. Most critically, we can choose to take ownership of the changes we wish to see in the world. Introduction Taking responsibility is a crucial aspect of personal … Continue reading I. Take Responsibility We need to take responsibility for the changes we wish to see in the world
IV. Leverage the Power of Conversation Introduction: Principles of Conversational Leadership Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter Nurture community: We need to nurture community. An organization is a community of human beings and not a collection of human resources or human capital. A real community is one where its members care about their work … Continue reading V. Nurture Community We need to care more about each other
Engagement ** The Difference Between Responsibility and Accountability Close Pop-up all posts in this chapter It is often suggested that offering rewards is necessary to motivate people, particularly when it comes to sharing their knowledge. However, this strategy is ultimately ineffective and potentially harmful in the long run. In his book Punished by Rewards, Alfie … Continue reading Punished by Rewards Loving what you do is a more powerful motivator than any goody